Little Egg


Little Egg

Landman, Tanya/Moon, Cliff

Harpercollins Publishers 2012/06 発行
 210 x 170
装丁: PAP 装丁について
版表示など: PAP
テキストの言語: 出版国: GB
ISBN: 9780007475315
KCN: 1015389915

標準価格:¥1,178(本体 ¥1,071)   
Web販売価格:¥1,119 (本体 ¥1,018)Web販売価格について



Full Description

Find out what happens to the little egg in this patterned story, filled with colourful illustrations by Shoo Rayner.

Detailed Information

Find out what happens to the little egg in this patterned story, filled with colourful illustrations by Shoo Rayner. Yellow level/ Band 3 books offer early readers varied sentence structure and natural language. Text type - A patterned story with a predictable structure. A storyboard on pages 14 and 15 reveals what happens to the little egg through a pictorial summary of the day, providing the opportunity to recap the story. Curriculum links - Knowledge and Understanding of the World: life processes and living things; Science: Plants and animals in the local environment; life cycles
