刑事司法と課税Criminal Justice and Taxation
(Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice)

電子書籍 Dummy

刑事司法と課税Criminal Justice and Taxation
(Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice)

Alldridge, Peter

OUP Oxford 2017/02
テキストの言語: ENG 出版国: GB
ISBN: 9780198755838
KNPID: EY00138217

販売価格¥13,637(本体 ¥12,398) 


D16 刑法・刑事訴訟法
E123 財政・租税

デバイス:iPhone、iPod touch、iPad、Android、Windows、Mac OS X



Full Description

The fallout from the financial crisis of 2007-8, HSBC Suisse in 2015, and the Panama Papers in 2016 has generated calls for far more vigorous and punitive responses to tax evasion and greater international co-operation against mechanisms for giving anonymity to the ownership of property. One mechanism to ensure compliance is the use of the criminal justice system. The announcement in 2013 by the then Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, of a policy ofincreasing rates of prosecution for tax evasion raised squarely the issue of whether increased involvement of criminal law and criminal justice in tax evasion would be justifiable or not. The relationship between tax evasion and the proceeds of crime is taking on increasing importance: treating the'proceeds of criminal tax evasion' as falling within the 'proceeds of crime' regime inevitably expands the scope of both.In this book, Peter Alldridge considers the development of the offences and the relationship between tax evasion offences and other criminal offences; the relevant rules of evidence; prosecution structures, decision-making processes, and alternatives to prosecution. Specific topics include offshore evasion and the relationship of tax evasion with other crimes and aspects of the criminal justice system. A topical and lively discussion of a heated debate.
